Together, we are Ontario's voice for nature.

Wetlands need you now!

Ontario is poised to take a significant step forward with the development of a Strategic Plan for Ontario Wetlands (EBR Registry Number 012-4464). Let’s make this unique conservation opportunity count!

Ontario is blessed with an abundance of wetlands that provide many important environmental, social and economic benefits. These include but are not limited to water filtration, flood control, carbon storage and the provision of habitat for over 20 percent of Ontario’s species at risk

Yet, historically we have lost over 70 percent of our wetlands south of Canadian Shield, with losses of over 85 percent in places like Niagara, Toronto, and parts of southwestern and eastern Ontario. Sadly, the losses continue today.

We need a strategic plan that will strengthen and clarify policies to protect wetlands and to reverse the trend of ongoing decline. Join Ontario Nature in advocating for the following improvements:

1. An overarching goal for the strategic plan to achieve a net gain in wetland habitat and function – supported by clear, ambitious targets and timelines.

2. Clear protections for Provincially Significant Wetlands and coastal wetlands, setting them strictly off limits to all forms of development, and protecting them from the negative impacts of development on adjacent lands and water recharge areas.

3. A requirement that wetland evaluation (to determine significance) occur prior to the granting of development approvals so that Provincially Significant Wetlands are identified and benefit from policies intended to protect them.

In addition to these policy improvements, the Province needs to invest in implementing the strategy, including wetland evaluation, restoration, monitoring and enforcement of policies. Such investment is needed to conserve and enhance critical ecosystem functions, and to advance other provincial priorities related to biodiversity conservation and climate change.

Together we can encourage the government to develop and implement a robust strategy that will protect and recover wetlands and their many benefits for years to come. Please send in comments by the October 30 deadline. Be sure to reference Environmental Registry #012-4464.

IMPORTANT: Please use the form below to submit your comments to the Environmental Registry. If you add your personal touch, the government will give your submission greater consideration.
For a copy of Ontario Nature’s full submission on the strategic plan, please contact Joshua Wise at

We love to hear from our donors and members. Please don't hesitate to contact Lisa Kamenar, Annual Fund Manager, at 1-800-440-2366 ext. 233 or if you have any questions.

Photo credit: Sharon Mollerus CC BY 2.0

Hayley Raymond
Membership Coordinator
1-800-440-2366, ext. 248