Le français suivra.

By submitting this registration form, you are confirming your attendance to participate in the Youth Summit. As an attendee, you have a responsibility to do your best to participate in the summit, with key events happening on September 25 and 26, and aim to be an active participant in team activities. Optional challenges will be offered before the summit for you to complete the weeks before the event.

If you prefer to fill out the registration form in French, have any questions, or face barriers completing the process, please contact the event coordinator: Christine Ambre at christinea@ontarionature.org or 416-444-8419 ext. 244 (toll-free 1-800-440-2366) for support and alternative registration options. Please be assured that your privacy is important to us, and that individual information will not be shared to the public.

En soumettant ce formulaire d'inscription, vous confirmez votre participation au Sommet de la jeunesse. En tant que participant, vous avez la responsabilité de faire de votre mieux pour participer au sommet, avec des événements clés les 25 et 26 septembre, et visez à participer activement aux activités d'équipe en amont au sommet. Des défis optionnels seront offerts avant le sommet pour que vous puissiez les terminer les semaines avant l'événement principal.

Si vous préférez remplir le formulaire d'inscription en français, si vous avez des questions, ou si vous rencontrez des obstacles lors du processus, veuillez contacter la coordonnatrice de l'événement: Christine Ambre à christinea@ontarionature.org pour obtenir de l'aide et d'autres options d'inscription. Soyez assuré que la confidentialité de vos données est importante pour nous et que les informations individuelles ne seront pas partagées avec le public.

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Quantity and Pricing
Youth Summit 2021
September 25, 2021
Attendees: 1 $ 25.00 ea.

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events and meetings in a safe, ethical space that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. Please mention any needs that we should be aware of and provide guidance to make our summit as accessible and welcoming as possible for you/your child in the accessibility needs field. 

Important notes: 

As part of our funding agreement for the Youth Circle for Mother Earth project, and to ensure our activities provide opportunities for diverse participants, this registration form is collecting demographic information. Please be assured that your privacy is important to us, and that any individual demographic information will not be shared with the public without permission. Our Youth Summit brings together youth from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and communities across the province. To have a meaningful experience and create a safe and hospitable place for participants, mentors, staff, and presenters, all registrants must agree to a Code of Conduct outlining expectations to participate.   

A separate forms package will be sent to participants/parents to review and sign ahead of the summit.

For registration or event inquiries, please contact: Christine Ambre at christinea@ontarionature.org or 416-444-8419 ext 244.

Hayley Raymond
Membership Coordinator
1-800-440-2366, ext. 248
