February 2023 conservation updates for Ontario Nature’s 155 member groups and their members.
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February 2023 conservation updates for Ontario Nature’s 150 member groups and their supporters. Together, we are the voice for nature. Please share this monthly newsletter with members of your group.

Heaven's Gate Nature Reserve, EBC


Conservation Awards

Do you know a conservation champion? A great way to show our appreciation for the people who do so much for nature is to nominate them for an Ontario Nature Conservation Award. We are accepting nominations for our 2022-2023 Conservation Awards until March 31st.


Owen Sound Field Naturalists Creates Updated Nature Guides

The 5th edition of the Vascular Plant List Bruce & Grey is a keystone publication of the Owen Sound Field Naturalists. It is an essential reference for naturalists, botanists, life science inventory specialists, land use planners, resource management agencies and consultants who are working within Bruce and Grey Counties. The OSFN contracted Tyler Miller, Field Ecologist to digitize, revise the list and update our 5th edition. It includes 1611 taxa (species, subspecies and hybrids) for 131 families, which are listed including all locally and provincially rare plants found in the counties. This new release is designed in spiral bound print format, PDF and – for the serious botanist – a fully annotated digital compendium with dataset. All three versions will be available this spring through owensoundfieldnaturalists.ca.
Lancaster Business Park, Kitchener, Municipal Natural Areas


Protecting Nature With Municipalities

Please join Ontario Nature on March 8th at 7:00 pm for Reaching Canada's Protected Areas Target: Working with Municipalities. Participants in this online information session will learn about and discuss the role that Nature Network groups can play in working with municipal leaders to advance Canada’s target to protect 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.


Ontario Nature's Blog

We publish a weekly blog featuring diverse writers and stories that focus on protecting wild species and wild spaces. Subscribe to receive weekly email alerts about breaking conservation and environmental news from across the province.

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Ontario Nature Youth Council

Interesting Links and Opportunities

  • Our Youth Engagement Webinar is being held TONIGHT, February 15th. Register now or look for the recording on our YouTube channel in a few days.
  • The Keep the Greenbelt Promise campaign invites you to come to the Ontario legislature on Tuesday February 21st. Participants will go first to the Visitor’s Gallery for the Question Period to signal that we remain vigilant and committed to protecting the Greenbelt. After there will be continued actions to protect the Greenbelt. Register Now.
  • Rally at Queen’s Park "Welcome Back Party" for the Ontario government on Saturday, February 25 (11:00am - 1:00pm).
  • Watch the Alliance for a Livable Ontario presentation on what is being done to fight unwanted government changes.
  • Nature on the Hill event on March 7 – 9 in Ottawa. The government delivered on their promise of showing leadership on the international stage and made big commitments at COP15, and now we need to make sure they get the job done.
  • Greenbelt guardians is a new network made up of existing groups and individuals that want to protect the land extracted from the Greenbelt AND land added unnecessarily during urban boundary expansions. The primary focus of these teams is surveillance.
Petticoat Creek Conservation Area


See our events calendar for a complete listing of events organized by Ontario Nature and Nature Network groups. 

To submit your public events for the online calendar, send them to noahc@ontarionature.org and allow up to a week for posting. Please send only events that are open to the public and no more than three per month.

Submit and Share!

We want to include more content from the network and will feature a story or two each month from network groups, as well as other resources. We encourage you to share your stories and links by emailing them to naturenetwork@ontarionature.org.

Ontario Nature publishes the Nature Network News monthly with contributions from our member groups and staff. We grant permission for use of the information above in member group newsletters. Please credit either Ontario Nature or the member group when appropriate.
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Ontario Nature @ Centre for Social Innovation
720 Bathurst Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 2R4

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Charitable registration# 10737 8952 RR0001 

Photos © Jonathan Waddell, Owen Sound Field Naturalists, Melanie Potvin CC BY 2.0, Darlene Salter, Noah Cole, JordanEightySeven CC BY-SA 2.0