Please join Ontario Nature on March 8th at 7:00 pm for Reaching Canada's Protected Areas Target: Working with Municipalities. Participants in this online information session will learn about and discuss the role that Nature Network groups can play in working with municipal leaders to advance Canada’s target to protect 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.
We publish a weekly blog featuring diverse writers and stories that focus on protecting wild species and wild spaces. Subscribe to receive weekly email alerts about breaking conservation and environmental news from across the province.
See our events calendar for a complete listing of events organized by Ontario Nature and Nature Network groups. To submit your public events for the online calendar, send them to and allow up to a week for posting. Please send only events that are open to the public and no more than three per month.
Ontario Nature @ Centre for Social Innovation720 Bathurst Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 2R4
Photos © Jonathan Waddell, Owen Sound Field Naturalists, Melanie Potvin CC BY 2.0, Darlene Salter, Noah Cole, JordanEightySeven CC BY-SA 2.0