April 2024 conservation updates for Ontario Nature’s 150 member groups and their supporters. Together, we are the voice for nature. Please share this monthly newsletter with members of your group and ask them to subscribe.
Attend an Upcoming Community Science Event
Ontario Nature’s Conservation Science team has several events planned for this spring and summer! Join us for a Breeding Bird Atlas hike to kick-off year four of breeding bird surveys for Atlas-3, celebrate our recently published Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas, plus learn more about how you can participate in snake cover board surveys.
- Atlas-3 Birding Hike and Year 4 Kick-Off (April 27 in Hamilton) – Register
- Long-term Monitoring Protocol for Ontario’s Snakes: Hands-On Training Event (May 16 in Waterloo Region) – registration is limited, contact atlas@ontarionature.org for more details
- Searching for Reptiles and Amphibians @ Cawthra Mulock Nature Reserve (June 8 in Newmarket) – Register
Tiny Township project may threaten Ice Age Grass
Ice Age Grass is an endangered annual grass known botanically as Forked Three-awned Grass (Aristida basiramea). It has been identified in just five locations in Canada, four of them in Ontario. One is found within the territory of Beausoleil First Nation, one in Georgian Bay Islands National Park and the others in Simcoe County. Paul Bell, a member of the Midland-Penetanguishene Field Naturalists, is warning that the rare grass has been identified as growing adjacent to and possibly on the proposed site of a new administrative centre for the Township of Tiny. He’s calling for an environmental assessment and species at risk study before the project proceeds.
For more information on Ice Age Grass go to: http://parkscanadahistory.com/wildlife/sar-success-stories/ice-age-grass-e.pdf.
Article and photos supplied by the Midland-Penetanguishene Field Naturalists
Free Webinar: Exploring Frontenac Arch Nature Reserves
We have some exciting news to share with you! Ontario Nature has an incredible opportunity to acquire 58 acres of prime habitat in the globally important Frontenac Arch area of eastern Ontario. You are invited to join us for a virtual tour of our Gananoque Lake Nature Reserve and the property we are seeking to acquire. We will also be showcasing our nearby Lost Bay Nature Reserve, which our members and supporters helped to expand last year! Learn about our conservation work in the Frontenac Arch, one of the most biodiverse regions in Canada.
- Thursday, May 16, 2024
- 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
- Caroline Schultz, Ontario Nature’s Executive Director
- Smera Sukumar, Ontario Nature’s Conservation Science and Stewardship Director
- Stephen Yates, Volunteer Steward

Master Naturalists’ Course Starts Soon!
The temperatures are rising, the snow is melting, and the days are getting longer... It sounds like spring is on its way! Whether you're an avid nature enthusiast or just looking to reconnect with the great outdoors, you'll want to join us this spring for the Ontario Master Naturalist Certificate Program, running from April 18 to June 13. In this program, you will enhance your identification skills, improve your knowledge of Ontario plants and wildlife, and learn more about environmental stewardship. The program includes eight learning modules (Geology & Anthropology, Mammals, Plants, Birds, Reptiles & Amphibians, Wetlands, Invasive Species, Insects) and live weekly webinars with the course instructors.
For more information, and to register, please visit the program webpage.
Interesting Links and Opportunities
See our events calendar for a complete listing of events organized by Ontario Nature and Nature Network groups.
To submit your public events to our online calendar, email them to noahc@ontarionature.org and allow up to a week for posting. Please send only events that are open to the public and no more than three per month.

Submit and Share!
We want to include more content from the network and will feature a story or two each month from network groups, as well as other resources. We encourage you to share your stories and links by emailing them to naturenetwork@ontarionature.org.
Ontario Nature publishes the Nature Network News monthly with contributions from our member groups and staff. We grant permission for use of the information above in member group newsletters. Please credit either Ontario Nature or the member group or the photographer when appropriate.
Ontario Nature @ Centre for Social Innovation 720 Bathurst Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 2R4
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Charitable registration# 10737 8952 RR0001
Photos © Noah Cole, Teagn Netten, Midland-Penetanguishene Field Naturalists, Kirsten Dahl, Willy Waterton, Amar Maharaj, Nancy Girard Bégin CC BY-NC 2.0